Sunday, December 9, 2012


Title: The Prophecy
Author: Rachel Deagan
Genre: YA Urban Fantasy/Science Fiction
Release Date: January 11, 2013

Available formats: Amazon Print, Kindle, and Nook on release day


“The cards tell me of the children of the stars.”

Jacey thinks her life is worthless, when she finds herself in a psychiatric hospital after a failed attempt to end her life; her wounds miraculously healed. Devin, who claims to kill on touch, is also there. When Michael arrives, bearing telekinetic powers, he insists the government, and an even darker, more powerful force, wants them dead. 

In a desperate attempt to escape for their lives, the three teens find they must confront an even greater adversary, themselves - and with a prophecy forced upon them, they must find a way to accept their fate, or rebel together, as one. 

THE PROPHECY - Cover Reveal Tomorrow!!

THE PROPHECY's cover reveal, and blurb will be revealed TOMORROW!! 

Please check out all these amazing stops who are helping to spread the reveal! :)

Read Between The Lines
Close Encounters With The Night Kind
House Millar
The Many Muses Of MaryLynn
Amber's Supernatural And YA Reviews
Tamara's One Stop Indie Shop
Confessions Of The Paranormal
Ever And Ever Sight
Immortal Crimson Reviews
Bawaka's Book Fair
Susan's Magical Musings
Kayla's Reads and Reviews
Phenomenal Reviews
A Page Away
Release The Pages
Treasured Tales For Young Adults
Reviewing Shelf
Dance In The Dark Reviews


Available January 11, 2013

(If you have a blog, and would like to participate, please contact Anna Dase @ Read Between The Lines, or me before the end of the day)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

More Updates on THE PROPHESY!!

Woot! I just found out the cover reveal for THE PROPHESY will be December 10th, and we will be going on tour that day to share this exciting news! Tour info will be provided as the time gets closer. I can't wait!! :)

Here's the official book blurb!:

“The cards tell me of the children of the stars.”

Jacey thinks her life is worthless, when she finds herself in a psychiatric hospital after a failed attempt to end her life; her wounds miraculously healed. Devin, who claims to kill on touch, is also there. When Michael arrives, bearing telekinetic powers, he insists the government, and an even darker, more powerful force, wants them dead.

In a desperate attempt to escape for their lives, the three teens find they must confront an even greater adversary, themselves - and with a prophesy forced upon them, they must find a way to accept their fate, or rebel together, as one.